Monday, 10 February 2014

Development of ideas

We have met as a group a couple of times since my last update. We're edging more towards the idea of the mind and how it controls the body. The idea that i am feeling the most confident about at the moment is the idea about two dancers, one of which is representative of a person, and the other is their subconcious in a physical form. This form is manipulating and puppeteering the person to do as they please.
This idea is based from Edrei's about the brain but through my personal experience with anxiety. Since i've had anxiety, i've managed to get the hang of it a little more through thinking about it in a 3rd person. I know it's my brain and the chemicals within, so whenever i feel a horrible way, i will say it's 'my head.' It feels like a constant battle of trying to talk myself out of myself and it's a strange feeling to have. Obviously this is quite a personal experience so i am a bit apprehensive of presenting it to everyone but i think in terms of the idea we originally had, it seems the most obvious to me.
Obviously there is room for improvement and i still feel like we're not quite there yet. I think another element or different approach could make it a lot better, as well as the ideas about sounds or music involved.

Georgie showed this as a reference, and i think it's similar to how i have pictured the piece, but i would like it to have a bit more depth to it.

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